Tinfoil Bikini, good one.

I'm personally enjoying the show immensely, it's always fun to watch government/media incompetence and hypocrisy put on full display and I enjoy knowing that a full third of Californians (including my in-laws) believe Trump was in on it and that it was staged. Their skepticism is as warranted as those on the right, not that I think it helps any of them get closer to understand how the real world works, but whatever. The point is that most Americans have so little faith in our institutions that they have a knee jerk reaction and naturally assume they are full of it. Yes, they still eat up propaganda that helps them confirm their own bias, but when it doesn't Oh Boy, then it's time to bust out the popcorn and watch as they freak out.

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While I appreciate the entertainment value, if I were a tad younger, I'd be scared s-less.

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Brad, The butler did it.

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I'm still trying to come to grips (not literally) with Rachel Maddow in a "tin foil bikini."

Does Rachel wear the tin foil in a flat pattern or does she crinkle up the foil for more of a cubist effect?

Does the tin foil chafe on Rachel's skin or does she put some protective cream under the foil?

Does Rachel recycle her tin bikini to be used to bake potatoes?

Fascinating! Now every time I see Rachel Maddow on TV, I will see her in a tin foil bikini.

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Mission accomplished.

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> And then, the weather.

Remember when the weather forecast was the least believable part of the news program? :-D

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